Editorial Type:
Article Category: Research Article
Online Publication Date: Jan 03, 2025

Duration of Competitive Advantage, Cash Flow Period, and Residual Value

Page Range: 31 – 43
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This research presents a methodology to estimate the duration of the competitive advantage period (CAP) for companies based on the duration implied in market prices. The CAP is defined as the period during which a company can continue to grow by finding new investment opportunities where the return exceeds the cost of equity. This study applies the methodology to the Standard and Poor’s 500, finding that the average CAP is twenty-one years when assuming that excess returns or competitive advantages gradually extinguish in the years following this period. If we assume that companies maintain their competitive advantage indefinitely for investments made during the CAP, the duration reduces to seventeen years. Additionally, the study provides guidance on the appropriate residual value formula to use based on the CAP and the assumptions regarding the duration of competitive advantage.

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Copyright: © 2024, American Society of Appraisers
Figure 1
Figure 1

Evolution of the Competitive Advantage Period for July 1996–December 2013

Contributor Notes

Juan A. Forsyth is an economist from the Universidad del Pacífico (UP) in Lima, Peru. He holds an MBA from the Universidad de Navarra in Spain and completed additional courses in Finance at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago as part of his MBA. He earned his PhD in Strategic Management at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica (PUCP) of Peru. Juan taught Corporate Finance at UP for twenty-seven years and is currently a professor in the Doctoral program at PUCP. He has authored three Finance books and published research papers in specialized journals. Juan is actively involved in various business ventures. He holds the position of President at the Crosland Group of Peru, a company with regional operations in the automotive, commercial, and real estate sectors. Furthermore, he holds directorial positions in several companies and nonbusiness institutions.